Quiz & Surveys … Gamified Advertising That Converts!
We have a secret. We’ll share… just a little. Did you know that gamification is a secret weapon in disguise? That’s right, welcome to the age of social media, where everything that can be turned into a game usually is. We’re in the golden age of mobile applications; you probably have at least a half-dozen or so installed on your phone right now.
But, there’s something that’s not being done with gamification, and that is Advertising…. Until now.
People love a good game. You’ve probably seen those Facebook – and if you’re hip, MySpace – viral quizzes that spread like crazy. (Faster than AOL connected to the Internet in the 90’s!) Yep, people love surveys and quizzes. They see them not only as a sort of game, but a challenge. They want to know how they stack up against the rest of the population.
Quizzes are great because they stroke the ego a bit. They make someone feel that they can prove to others [in reality, mostly to themselves] that they are worthy of some sort of recognition or special honor. Surveys and quizzes are self-marketing because once you fill one out, you get a result, and then you get to share that result with your friends and family.
But what if you merged the appeal of this process with advertising? What happens?
Well, we at Social Media Ninjas got together and put that to the test. We built a simple system (the equivalent to affixing legs to a table with Duct Tape) and put it to use for one of our clients. The results? He got two new leads within the first 5 minutes of running advertising to this quiz. He actually told us, “Hey now, I need to keep some of my calendar free!
He was worried that he would be getting too many business opportunities.
We knew we were heading in the right direction, and that’s when our entire team got together and built out a highly customized, powerful system that integrates with pretty much any tool on the Internet.
… And we’re offering this secret advertising weapon to you.
But we can’t just go around giving it to everyone, because we have limited space available; and we may stop receiving new clients into this system at any time. If you lock in to NinjaQuiz alongside an advertising campaign now, you’re locked in for good.
Email us now for your FREE consultation to see if you qualify. Is right for your business?